Bryne Carruthers

Bryne Carruthers

Full Stack Developer
I specialize in creating custom content management systems and e-commerce web apps for businesses and other organizations. My applications emphasize ease of use and security, for both the user and website owner. My other skills include automation, webscraping, data processing, cloud computing, DevOps, and building AI-based applications. Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my website portfolio and online resume.
Headshot of Bryne Carruthers

What I do

I have over 4 years of professional experience building personal and business websites for clients across Canada. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume and website portfolio.

Python & Django

Proficient in object-oriented and functional Python programming paradigms. Fluent in Django 4. Also comfortable with data-science libraries (Pandas, Matplotlib, Sci-kit-learn); building REST APIs with Django REST Framework and FastAPI; and testing with Pytest and Selenium.

AWS & Terraform

Experienced in deploying secure, scalable and cost-efficient applications to AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, DynamoDB) using Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

ES6 JavaScript, Typescript, React & Node JS

Proficient in ES6 Javascript, Typescript, React & Node JS for creating single page applications and full stack applications.

Docker, Git/Github & Github Actions

Containerization using Docker & Docker Compose; Version control with Git/Github; Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD) using Github Actions.

MySQL & PostgreSQL

Proficient in native SQL and robust relational database design.


Proficient in HTML 5 (including semantic markup and accessible web design) and CSS 3 (including responsive mobile-first design, flex-box, css grid & BEM).